Innovation Show 2012

North-South Relations in Globalization. Crisis and Renewal

Théâtre du Lucernaire – Paris
10 December 2012

The conference is devoted to the productive, commercial and financial dynamics of the world economy, its current crisis and the attempts to restructure it. How globalization is driven by North-South relations and how these relations impact the global economic and geopolitical organization? What are the arguments and views of economists and political scientists in the South? How to get out of this crisis? With which new international relations?

This event is co-organized by the Journal Recherches Internationals, the University for Peace and the Research Network on Innovation

With Laurice Alexandre-Leclair, Jacques Atlan, Sophie Boutillier, Jean-Pierre Faugère, James Galbraith, David Gakunzi, Rémy Herrera, Alain Joxe, Lazare Ki-Zerbo, Dominique Kounkou, Blandine Laperche, Danièle Linhart, Pierre Salama, Michel Santi

Debates led by: Michel Rogalski and Dimitri Uzunidis



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