The Research Network on Innovation was founded in 2006 aiming at developing a better understanding of:
- the knowledge based economy
- the university-industry linkages
- the intellectual property rights issues
The RNI supports the proposal and submission of research projects, the design of partnerships and consultancy. We also encourage the publication of research contribution on specialized journals.
The board
Honorary President
Dimitri Uzunidis
Blandine Laperche
President Delegate
Thierry Rayna
General Secretary
Romain Debref
Management Board
- Sophie Boutillier
- Patrick Cohendet
- Emmanuelle Dubocage
- Laure Morel
- Jean-Marc Touzard
- Secretary General: Romain Debref
- Treasurer and Finance Officer: Céline Merlin-Brogniart
- Scientific Strategy Officer: Mireille Matt
- Organisation Officer: Vanessa Casadella
- Institutional Relations Officer: Erwan Le Saout
- Cooperation Development: Nessrine Omrani
- Son Thi Kim Le
- Dave Mobhe Bokoko
- Hollman Rojas
- Valentine Georget
- Camille Aouinaï
- Corporate Relations: Patricia Baudier & Zied Ftiti
- External Relations: Sonia Ben Slimane
- Legal Affairs: Clotilde Normand
- Cultural Affairs: Anne Briand
- RNI Global: Angeles Pereira
International Delegations
- RNI MENA: Adel Ben Youssef
- RNI Italia: Laurenzo Cassi & Claudio Cozza
- RNI Iberia: Alberto Turnes
- RNI Southern Sahara: Babacar Ndiaye
- Direction : Dimitri Uzunidis
- Administration : Stéphane Goria
- Coordination : Thomas Michaud

The organigram
The president and the board of RNI, elected by the general assembly of members based on the organizational chart above.

RNI Programs
- Art-Design-Color and Society : Cécile Caumon
- Complex Systems : Didier Lebert & Victor Dos Santos
- Industrial Strategies : Béatrice Dumont
- Science and Society : Joëlle Forest & Bertrand Bocquet
- Science Fiction, The Economy, and Innovation : Thomas Michaud
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems : Corinne Tanguy & Leila Temri
- Territory and Industry : Fedoua Kasmi & Sylvain Roche
- Value Chains, Sustainability, and Bioeconomy : Aliénor de Rouffignac & Romain Debref

Administration board
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the association between meetings of the General Assembly. It is composed of the following members:
Attour Amel, Barbaroux Pierre, Baudier Patricia, Ben Youssef Adel, Boutillier Sophie, Casadella Vanessa, Cassi Lorenzo, Caumon Céline, Cohendet Patrick, Debref Romain, Delacour Hélène, Dubocage Emmanuelle, Dumont Béatrice, Dupont Laurent, Forest Joëlle, Galliano Danielle, Goria Stephane, Hussler Caroline, Jullian Nathalie, Laperche Blandine, Le Saout Erwan, Le Son Thi Kim, Lebert Didier, Le Velly Ronan, Liotard Isabelle, Lima Marcos, Martin Patrick, Mitkova Liliana, Matt Mireille, Merlin-Brogniart Céline, Mongo Michelle, Morel Laure, Ndiaye Babacar, Omrani Nessrine, Penin Julien, Pereira Angeles, Petitgirard Loïc, Rayna Thierry, Reboud Sophie, Schiavone Francesco, Szostak Bérangère, Tanguy Corinne, Temri Leïla, Vence Xavier
The policy concil
- Ballandonne Matthieu, ESSCA, Angers
- Briand Anne, Lasta, Université de Rouen
- Casadella Vanessa, Lefmi, Université Picardie Jules Verne
- Castellano Sylvaine, Metis, EM Normandie
- Cohendet Patrick, Mosaic, HEC Montréal
- Debref Romain, Regards, Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne
- Dubocage Emmanuelle, Institut de Recherche en Gestion, Université Paris Est Créteil
- Ftiti Zied, Edc Paris Business School
- Galliano Danièle, UMR AGIR, Inrae, INP Toulouse, Ensat, El Purpan
- Lancelot Jean-François, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, France
- Laperche Blandine, ISI / Lab. RII, ULCO
- Laudier Isabelle, Institut CDC pour la Recherche, France
- Le Saout Erwan, Prism Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
- Matt Mireille, Lisis, CNRS, ESIEE, INRAE, Université Gustave Eiffel
- Mitkova Liliana, Litem, Université d’Evry, l’Université d’Évry-Val-d’Essonne
- Morel Laure, Erpi, Université de Lorraine
- Omrani Nessrine, Paris School of Business Research Lab
- Revest Valérie, Magellan, IAE de Lyon
- Ruano Borbalan Jean-Claude, HT2S, Cnam Paris
- Schaeffer Véronique, Beta, Université de Strasbourg, Université de Lorraine, CNRS
- Touzard Jean-Marc, Inrae, UMR Innovation, Montpellier
- Uzunidis Dimitri, RRI edition