We are planning to create a “Club Innovation Entreprises” (CIE) within the Innovation Research Network (http://2ri.eu) with the ambition of opening a space for dialogue between the worlds of research (in the human and social sciences) and business (large groups, SMEs, start-ups) on the theme of innovation.
The RRI’s Enterprise Innovation Club will allow partner companies to access publications and work by network members (economists, sociologists, etc.), to take part in events organised by the network (a special “Enterprise Innovation Club” session will be organised each year on the occasion of Innovation Day), and to keep abreast of advances in research on innovation. Partner companies will also be able to suggest research topics and, possibly, use the network’s resources to conduct their own research projects (CIFRE grants, etc.). Finally, the Club Innovation Entreprises aims to become a place for the exchange of good practices between companies from different sectors but invested in the development of their innovation capacities.
Our main idea: “Let’s improve the performance of innovation ecosystems and strategies by deepening the dialogue between the academic community and companies”.
Interested companies can contact us directly by email (rri@univlittoral.fr), or register for the next Innovation Day
Let’s innovate together!
Innovation Research Network Innovation Research Network
Vice President in charge of Cooperation Officer in charge of Business Relations