The journal Technology and Innovation is created by the Research Network on Innovation. It is intended for researchers and policy makers, specialists in engineering, economics, management, history and epistemology of innovation. Its main themes are:
- Analysis of systems and scientific and technical paradigms,
- Study of their evolutionary trajectories,
- Analysis of applications and diffusion of technologies,
- Study of the strategies of actors (companies, laboratories, public institutions, users ).
Aims and scope :
Technology and Innovation is multidisciplinary journal. Its objectives are: to analyze systems and scientific and technical paradigms; study their innovation paths; discuss the connections of technology to society but also to innovation, examine how innovation disrupts the functioning of organizations and companies nowadays and in the industrial past, study stakeholder strategies (enterprises, laboratories, public institutions, users) in the production, use and diffusion of new technologies, understand the systemics of these technologies and construct scenarios of their potential diffusion and application; understand how innovation questions our categories of thought and upsets traditional knowledge mapping…and the meaning of innovation.
The journal welcomes articles from the following backgrounds: economy, management, history, epistemology and philosophy of techniques and innovation and design engineering.
Instruction for proposing a special issue for TechnInn
Call for papers
Title: The digitalization of services: mutation of enterprises, innovations, societal impacts
Title : Patents and strategies for valuing technological innovation
- Deadline for submitting : 30 april 2019
Title: Les biographies d’innovation comme vecteur de développement de la culture technique
- Deadline for submitting : between april and october 2018
- Réception des propositions d’articles : octobre 2017 à mars 2018
Title: Conduire la transition vers l’économie circulaire
- Réception des propositions d’articles (2 pages maximum) : 31 janvier 2018
Title : La science-fiction : l’imaginaire des ingénieurs à l’épreuve
- Réception des propositions d’articles (0,5 page) : 31 décembre 2017
Title : Sciences, Techniques et innovations citoyennes
Title : Les industries aérospatiales et de défense : un champ complexe d’innovations ?
The journal is accessible from
Volume 19- 4
Volume 18- 3
Volume 17- 2
Volume 16- 1