Participatory Science and Research: the lever for inclusiveness 6-7 th april 2023, Lille   Lilliad

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Program 12 December at the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie | place de la Sorbonne,

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Programme – DTA 2022 – Disruptive Technologies and Sustainability July 4 & 5, 2022 –

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Programm 13th december  2021 – Online 01:50pm – Introduction Muriel Cordier (AUF), Diane De Mareschal

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Read the new book written by Gérard Duthil and Nicolas Polini entitled “LA DÉFENSE NATIONALE”

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Read the new book written by Sophie Bollinger entitled “Management Control and Creativity Challenges of

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Read the new book edited by Vanessa Casadella et Dimitri Uzunidis entitled “Agri-Innovations and Development

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Read the new book written by Paul Bouvier-Patron entitled “Frugal Innovation and Innovative Creation” at

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Read the new issue of Market & Organizations – Journal of Strategic Analysis (M&O –

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Read the new issue of Journal of Innovation Economics and Management  (n°42) entitled “Sustainable Agrifood

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