Permanent seminar “ADU”, 13 November 2017

“Environmental issues in Sub-Saharan Africa”

Monday 13 November 2017

Centre Culturel L’Harmattan-Arts et Culture
24 Rue des Ecoles, 75005 Paris

Biodiversity, environmental protection, resource efficiency and green innovation are all challenges currently facing the countries of sub-Saharan Africa (S.S.A). These issuesare all the more important in the light of the widespread degradation and erosion of soils, overexploitation of natural resources and a lack of co-ordinated policies around adequate environmental actions.

On the other hand, global warming is a major threat to S.S.A. in relation to increasing temperatures, decreasing precipitation, further desert growth, and decreasing soil fertility and biodiversity. The change in seasons increases the conflicts between breedersand farmers and requires not only to imagine new cultivation practices adapted to the new climatic conditions but also to adjust the customary law of the countries. The S.S.A. is nevertheless immensely rich in its subsoil: minerals, oil, gas. But the current problem lies in the ability of countries and governments to transform this wealth into a factor of development for their populations. The environmental challenges will thus be the subject of wide debates around the ecological, agricultural and technical challenges facing the states on a disturbing present and an alarming future.

The various speakers are invited to propose a presentation of 45mn followed by 45mn of debates. The conference will be filmed and be available for free access on the website of L’Harmattan and RNI. The texts can be published in a special issue of the journal Marcket and Organizations.


Book of abstracts

The seminar is free but registration is mandatory. Register online before 6 November 2017.

Conference cycle “Africa Development University”