RNI Seminars 2014-2015

The recovery from crisis passes through innovation which can give a new life to companies, territories and economy as a whole. The topic of the 2013-2014 seminar cycle of Research Network on Innovation is: “Smart innovation. Analyzing, anticipating and acting for a sustainable growth” (9 seminars). This topic was chosen under the consideration that individual, firm and institution are players who can through their behaviours, strategies and policies change business models by directing innovation towards new practices, organizations, and activities with a view to sustainable growth.

The topic of the 2014-2015 seminar cycle of Research Network on Innovation is “Smart Innovation. Economic intelligence and knowledge management” (9 seminars). This topic was chosen due to the importance of public and private platforms on which are held all sorts of technological, economic, sociological, political information, freely accessible by firms, research laboratories, public or parapublic institutions (big data, open data, monitoring).




October 03, 2014 How to promote the transition towards a sustainable growth by smart innovations: 8 propositions
November 03, 2014 Data, Information, Knowledge and Innovation
December 15, 2014 Territorial Intelligence and Entrepreneurial City
February 02, 2015 Cyberespace and Smart Innovations
March 19, 2015 Territorial Innovation Strategy and Proximity Entrepreneurial Dynamics
May 11, 2015 Intangible Economy and Knowledge Management
May 19, 2015 Fragul innovation and development
June 08, 2015 Aging population, Information Technology and Innovation Trajectories
August 28, 2015 Territorial and National Innovation Policies and Scientific and Technical Information in a globalized world


Innovation Forum VI

Crise, Innovation & Transition

Synthesis of the seminar cycle on “Smart innovation. Analyzing, anticipating and acting for a sustainable growth”



Topic 1: Intangible economy and innovation management
Speakers: Sophie Mignon, Elisabeth Walliser

Topic 2: Co-creation, co-innovation and customer skills: the case of large retailers
Speaker: Camal Gallouj


Innovation Show 2014

Territorial Intelligence and Entrepreneurial City

December 15, 2014, From 2pm to 5pm
Cité des Sciences (Salle Agora), 30 Avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 Paris


Debates led by par Nadine LEVRATTO (U. Paris Ouest, Nanterre, La Défense) and Dimitri UZUNIDIS (U. du Littoral Côte d’Opale)




Topic 1: New approaches to innovation and knowledge management: interaction, collaboration, openness
Speakers: Amel Attour, Pierre Barbaroux

Topic 2: For aconsideration of the ethical dimension in the design of information systems
Speaker: Maryse Salles


Decentralized Seminar

Territorial Innovation Strategies and Proximity Entrepreneurial Dynamics – S(t)IDE(p)

Date: 19-20 March 2015
Place: Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale

At the third industrial revolution and the focus on sustainable development, economic revitalization of territories (combining industrial and service activities) is the main objective for the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region and for France: Can we reconcile entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable development in the territories? How does the third industrial revolution follow the major societal changes made in previous industrialization? How can territories become innovative?


Topic 1: Dashboards on big data: for a new innovation management
Speaker: Jean-Sébastien Vayre

Topic 2: Big data, collaborative engineering, integration uses, etc. The Smart City space of convergence of new professions and changing practices
Speakers : Laurent Dupont, Laure Morel

Topic 3: Search tools of patents databases, are they source of knowledge creation?
Speak: Pierre Saulais

Date: May 11, 2015, 2pm-4.30pm
Place: Salle Agora, Cité des sciences, Paris


The frugal innovation mainly refers to the innovations under stressful situations with highly limited access to the tangible and intangible resources (knowledge, information). The purpose of this seminar is to debate the different works of the scientific community so as to better define the frugal innovation in relation to the development.

The program of the seminar

Date: May 19, 2015, 2pm-5pm
Place: Cirad Avenue Agropolis – Anphi Jacques Alliot (Montpellier)

Registration: please contact Ludovic Temple (ludovic.temple@cirad.fr)


Innovation Day 2015

Population Ageing and Innovation Trajectories

June 8, 2015, 10am-4pm
Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris

To what extent does the aging population generate technological innovations? What are the impacts of the aging population on technological innovation? What prospects for innovative entrepreneuris in the silver economy?


RNI Summer School 2015

Innovation and R&D policies:  Crossroads between the North and the South

August 27-29, 2015
IUT de l’Oise, Creil

In the context of the globalization of technological change associated with new technologies, tpublic innovation and R&D policies should accelerate a change in development patterns and a reduction of spatial inequalities of development between the North and the South. What is the characterization of innovation policy in the South? How do public research and innovation policies emerge and what are the institutional changes that create synergies among different public policies (industrial, employment, agriculture, environment)? What are the limits and how to create the conditions necessary for making use of the scientific and technical knowledge with the tacit and local knowledge in the countries of the South?


All RNI Seminars