RNI Bonus


The RNI (Research Network on Innovation [1]), in collaboration with its partners AUF (Agence universitaire de la Francophonie) and the CDC Institute for Research (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations), is launching the 4th edition of the RNI BONUS. This program consists of 6 grants, each amounting to 2000 Euros, awarded to young researchers working on the theme of innovation.

The RNI BONUS includes:

  • Two grants on the theme of “Social Innovation and Development”
  • Two grants on the theme of “Innovation, Territory, and Sustainable Development”
  • Two grants on an open theme “RNI Themes,” integrating with the themes of the Research Network on Innovation

In addition to the grant amount, the laureates will benefit during the year 2024/2025 from:

  • Free access to all RNI events
  • Mentorship from an RRI member
  • Support for publication in its publication outlets.

The laureate must provide a report on the activities carried out with the RRI Bonus by September 27, 2024, at the latest.


Agenda :

  • February 1, 2024: Launch of the call for applications
  • July 19, 2024: Closure of the call for applications
  • September 27, 2024: Announcement of the results

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The six grants will be dedicated to young researchers who have defended their thesis within a maximum of three years (since January 1, 2021).
  • Candidates must be 35 years old or younger at the closing date of the call for applications. Only the year of birth is considered without further consideration of the month or day.
  • The two grants for “Social Innovation and Development” are open to candidates from an institution in a Southern member country of AUF. (https://www.auf.org/les_membres/nos-membres/)
  • The two grants for “Innovation, Territory, and Sustainable Development” are open to candidates from a French institution.
  • The two grants for “RRI Themes” are open to all candidates, regardless of their institution of origin, whether in France or in other countries.

Application procedures:

The application file must be submitted on the RNI website: https://rri.univ-littoral.fr/rni-bonus/

The application file must include (in a single document)

  • A copy of the doctoral degree or the minutes of the thesis defense
  • A Curriculum Vitae specifying the status and the institutional affiliation (3 pages maximum)
  • A certificate of affiliation to a research structure
  • A photocopy of the identity card or passport (page containing the photo, the name and the signature)
  • A description of the research project (5 pages maximum). The projects can be part of the valorization and extension of the doctoral research or the initiation of a new research program.

This document must include:

  • a presentation of the research theme and how it fits into the theme of one of the 8 proposed grants and into the work of the thesis
  • the proposed methodology
  • the expected results
  • a conclusion specifying the motivation of the candidate and the way in which he/she plans to use the RNI Bonus

Award Procedure:

The laureates will be announced by the jury on September 27, 2024.

  • A reward of 2000 euros will be presented during the Innovation Show at the end of the calendar year to the laureate recognizing the quality of the proposed research project.
  • The project presentation will take place at the RRI Innovation Show (December 2024, date to be specified) either in person or remotely, depending on the health conditions at that time.
  • The appointment of an RRI mentor to support the laureate in their project throughout the year 2025.

Composition of the jury:

The members of the jury who will examine the applications will be from the partner institutions: AUF, CDC, RNI

Information: rri@univ-littoral.fr

1] The main themes of the RNI http://2ri.eu are : Economy, management, engineering of knowledge and innovation; Enterprises and networks; Entrepreneurship and creativity; Globalization and clusturization; Innovation policies; Mutation and transition of systems

Download the call for applications and its guidelines in PDF

Submit your application below: 

    Application to the grant

    Application file (.DOC or .DOCX format – max. size 5MB)

    Our partners


    WINNERS 2023

    Bonus RRI

    Alexandra Burlaud, EM Normandie


    Une approche par les micro-fondations des capacités dynamiques managériales pour expliquer l’innovation dans les réseaux de franchise

    Valentine Georget, Université Côte d’Azur


    Rôle des émotions dans les processus intrapreneuriaux orientés vers la résolution des grands défis

    Lorenza Claudio, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy


    How the context boosts the emergence of social innovations? A multiple case study of Self-managed Clinics

    RNI Bonus - Grants Innovation, territory and sustainable development (CDC-RNI)

    Pauline Brunner, Université de Strasbourg


    Stratégies de protection d’innovation dans les projets entrepreneuriaux : le cas du Genopole

    RNI Bonus - Grants Social Innovation and Development" (AUF RNI)​

    Irinomenjanahary Randrianjafy,  Université de Mahajanga, Madagascar


    MAD’APIS : Participation inclusive à l’agriculture alternative pour un développement social et environnemental : Cas de la ville de Mahajanga, Madagascar

    Winners 2022


    Estelle Guerry, Univeristé Toulouse Jean Jaurès


    La couleur améliore la qualité de vie: innovations pour les personnes agées visuellement déficientes

    Winners 2021

    RNI Bonus - Grants Social Innovation and Development" (AUF RNI)

    Gérard De La Paix BAYIHA, Faculté des sciences économiques et de Gestion de l’Université Yaoundé II, Cameroun.


    Enjeux du concept « une seule santé » comme nouveau cadre d’analyse pour guider la transition agroécologique en Afrique : cas du Cameroun

    Lamis BENMANSEUR, Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Kolea, Algérie.


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    RNI Bonus - Grants Innovation, territory and sustainable development (CDC-RNI)

    Justine BALLON, Post Doctorante, Lab.COM Destins, Université de Poitiers, France


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    Clara AOUN, Maître de conférences en sciences de gestion IUT Caen, France.


    L’accompagnement du territoire et de son écosystème dans leurs innovations : vers un management socialement responsable de l’emploi sur le territoire

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    Vitantonio MARIELLA, post-doctorant CNR Roma,  Italy.


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