Project leader : Sonia Ben Slimane, ESCP BS, Paris.
Partnerships : HESTIM (Maroc) et le Laboratoire THEMA (ESCT, Tunisie)
Contact : sbenslimane@escp.eu
Activities of RNI Maghreb:
- 2023: Organisation of the 2nd edition of the International Colloquium “RNI Maghreb”: Crises and new economic model(s): innovation, entrepreneurial dynamics and regional attractiveness (Casablanca, 25-27 October 2023): https://colloquerrimaghreb2023.hestim.ma/appel-a-communication/
Key dates:
- Deadline for long abstract submissions (1500 words): 01 May 2023.
- Response after the decision of the scientific committee: 15 June 2023 Deadline for submission of final papers: 10 September 2023
- Registration deadline: 15 September 2023
- Organisation of the conference: 25 to 27 October 2023
- 2023: RNI Maghreb Thematic Meetings: “Innovation in the Maghreb countries: State of play and perspectives”, 26-May 2023 (online event).
- 2023: Organisation of an RNI Maghreb session in the international conference BETA’22.
- 2021: Session in the RRI Innovation Forum 2021: Session N°17: The entrepreneurial university in the Maghreb countries: https://foruminnov21.univ-littoral.fr/en/programme-2/
- 2020: Organization of the 1st edition of the International Colloquium “RNI-Maghreb”: “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Renewal of Maghreb Economies”, (Tunis: 29-30 October): https://rrimaghreb2020.sciencesconf.org/
This conference brought together a large number of researchers from the international scientific community working on cross-cutting concepts, notably Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. The objective is to promote exchanges and debate by benefiting from multidisciplinary contributions and best practices. The central theme is dedicated to the analysis of “innovation ecosystems” in the Maghreb countries with comparisons of international experiences taking place in other emerging and developing countries.
- 2019: Session: “Science Technology and Development (STD/RRI)”, in the annual ASECTU conference, Tunisia, 12/14 June: https://rri.univ-littoral.fr/decouvrez-les-actes-de-la-session-std-rri-maghreb-conference-asectu/
Publications :
- 2020 : Entrepreneurship and Development – Realities and Perspectives – co-authored by Sonia Ben Slimane (ESCP BS, Paris and Hatem M’henni, ESCT, Tunisia : https://www.istegroup.com/en/produit/entrepreneuriat-et-developpement/
- 2018 : Special issue in the journal « Marché & Organisations » N°33/2018 : L’entrepreneuriat innovant dans les pays du Maghreb, coordonné par Sonia Ben Slimane (ESCP BS, Paris) et Hatem M’henni, (ESCT, Tunisie), https://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=numero&no=61072&no_revue=130&razSqlClone=1
- 2016 : Special issue in the journal « Marché & Organisations », N°26/2016 : « L’avenir des économies du Maghreb.Entre inertie structurelle et envie de rupture », coordonné par Sonia Ben Slimane (ESCP BS, Paris), Messaoud Zouikri, (Economix, Université paris Nanterre) : https://www.cairn.info/revue-marche-et-organisations-2016-2.htm