Innovation Show 2019

(coordination : Romain Debref)

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Summary – 27 th january 2020

All conferences will be in French only

1h30 pm : Presentation of the Honoris Causa thesis prizes for research

2h00 pm : Conferences :

Romain Debref: Inaugural Introduction

  • REGARDs Laboratory (EA 6292) – University of Reims-Champagne-Ardenne)
  • BIOCA Project – Bio-economy in Champagne-Ardenne – PSDR4

Franck-Dominique Vivien: The bio-economy or bio-economies?

  • REGARDs Laboratory (EA 6292) – University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
    Head of the BIOCA project – Bio-economy in Champagne-Ardenne – PSDR4

Clarisse Cazals: Diversity of bio-economy trajectories in the making

  • IRSTEA – Bordeaux

Pascal Grouiez: Towards a dichotomy of the forms of agricultural methanisation units in France? A comparison between Ardennes/Seine-et-Marne

  • MCF- Economics – University of Paris Diderot – LADYSS
    Head of the Metha’revenu project

Jean-Marc Touzardet Marc Moraine: Agroecology and territorial bioeconomy: new perspectives for integrating agriculture and livestock?

  • Respectively Research Director and Research Engineer in the Department of Science for Action and Development (SAD)
  • UMR Innovation CIRAD Montpellier

Discussants :

  • Jean-Daniel Houeto (Doctoral student Regards (EA 6292) -co-direction with the HABITER Laboratory -EA 2076) – University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
  • Sonia VEYSSIERE (Doctoral student ULCO / IFSTTAR)

04h30 pm : Conclusions and closing cocktail

7:00 pm: Lunch at the Innovation Gala



2020 | 2019 |