Programme - Forum Innovation 2022
Le 5 et 6 mai 2022 à Bruges Collège de l’Europe
This RNI Forum Innovation 2022 is organized in cooperation with:
- the College of Europe (CoE)
- Délégation Générale du Québec in Brussels
- Partnership with EAEPE, Research Area [X] and [D] (
Local organizer: Beatrice Dumont (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
Délai de soumission étendu au 7 février 2022
Submissions details:
· Submission of a presentation proposal to the conference should include:
An extended abstract of maximum 5 pages including: objectives of the paper, research question, methodology, expected results, main references – ten max)
· Submission of session to the conference should include
One page on the topic of the session, name of the session’ chair(s), name of proposed authors.
Each author submits his/her proposition individually and mentions the corresponding session. A session includes 4 presentations.
Upload you submission here: